Me being a Playstation fan since from the beginning, I would always choose playstation over xbox, from my knowladge xbox breaks down every 6months, unless you buy the new updated versions like the elite and whatever else they got next.but you still have to fork out for a new xbox if you’ve bought the old one, plus you have to buy wireless connecters and after all that you still have to sign up to a subscription for online gaming on xbox live(witch you pay for). Now the playstation is slightly more expensive but in my mind it’s worth it as i have a 60gig witch plays PS 1,2 and 3 games and i’ve had it since its come out with no faults as of yet now if i had an xbox i’d have to pay for online gaming and repair it or buy a new one 4 or 5 times within the same time. So what makes poeple choose xbox over PS?

Sunday, 21 November 2010

The games they have to offer

HALO 3 (xbox360)
Call Of Duty: Black Opps (PS3, Xbox360)

Pro 11 (PS3,xbox360)
Grand Turismo 5 (Playstation 3)

playstation 3 and xbox 360 seem to have this battle over who has the best games as the playstation seems to usually win on the spec side of the consoles (free online gaming,blue-ray player,reliability etc) but what about games? most of the best games out today are released on both consoles, there are a few that are made for one console like the two on display, Halo and grand turismo, there are a few others like metal gear solid (ps3) gears of war (xbox360) all are widely played. i would like to know how do people with only a xbox360 actually feel about missing out on ps3 released games and the same for ps3 owners over xbox360 games. what games would u like to be released on both.

me personally i find halo,gears of war, mass effect all rubbish games. one game i would love one ps3 is test drive which is only on the xbox, but test drive 2 is being released on the ps3 in December. even gears of war and mass effect have joined the ps3 alliance for people who love those. only a matter of time for halo and grand turismo to join the switching crew


  1. gears of wars is one of the best games and am so happy its exclusive to xbox only also fable 3 which is also an addictive rpg,alan wake which sounds interesting, forza motor sport 3 which is realistic and fun, game mass effect was a good game what didnt you like about it?
    there are alot more but just named a few.

  2. ofcourse there are alot more, just like there are alot more on the ps3, just using the main ones as an example. i mean i could have mentioned the tekkan franchise and even the grand theft auto brand which was exclusive to ps there are many more. i think its the games you like to play throught the years from xbox to 360, ps,ps2 and ps3 and playing older ones and wanting the next version of that game you've played for years. so the console just produce the games you like and need. honeslty there both the same, maybe the ps slightly more powerful and reliable, theres always a argument.

  3. xbox guy why don't u go buy a ps3 because let me tell you the best game xbox can never have and thats metal gear solid 1-4

  4. ar come you are over exaggerating on MGS , its a good game by its not worth switching console for especially when xbox specialises in shoot'em games
